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What impact do functional additives have on the environment during production and use?


Functional additives have many impacts on the environment during production and use, which may involve multiple environmental factors such as water bodies, atmosphere, and soil. The following is an analysis of these impacts:
Water pollution:
Emission of nutrients and chemicals: Nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) and chemicals in functional additives may be discharged into water bodies with livestock and poultry manure, industrial wastewater, etc., leading to eutrophication of water bodies, causing algae to multiply, consuming oxygen in the water, and affecting the survival of aquatic organisms.
Heavy metal pollution: Some functional additives contain heavy metal elements (such as copper, zinc, arsenic, etc.). These elements accumulate in soil and water bodies and may enter the human body through the food chain, causing harm to human health.
Air pollution:
Emission of volatile organic compounds: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may be generated during the production of functional additives. These substances accumulate in the atmosphere and may cause air pollution problems such as photochemical smog.
Emission of dust and waste gas: Dust and waste gas generated during the production process may also pollute the atmospheric environment and affect air quality.

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Soil pollution:
Accumulation of heavy metals and chemicals: Heavy metals and chemicals in functional additives may enter the soil through irrigation, fertilization, etc., causing soil pollution, affecting plant growth and soil ecosystem health.
Destruction of soil structure: Long-term and large-scale use of functional additives may change soil structure, reduce soil fertility, and affect agricultural production.
Other impacts:
Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions: The production process of functional additives often consumes a lot of energy, most of which comes from fossil fuels, and will produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, exacerbating global climate change.
Waste treatment: If waste and wastewater generated during the production process are not properly handled, they may cause secondary pollution to the environment.
In order to reduce the impact of functional additives on the environment, the following measures can be taken:
Select environmentally friendly additives: Select environmentally friendly functional additives with low toxicity, low residue, and easy degradation to reduce pollution to the environment.
Optimize production process: Improve production process, reduce the generation of waste and wastewater, and improve resource utilization efficiency.
Strengthen waste treatment: Scientifically treat waste and wastewater generated during the production process to ensure that they meet emission standards.
Promote green breeding and planting: By developing ecological and circular breeding and planting methods, reduce the use of functional additives and reduce their impact on the environment.
The impact of functional additives on the environment during production and use cannot be ignored. In order to protect the environment and human health, effective measures need to be taken to reduce their negative impact.

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