Electronic Appliances Custom

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Electronic Appliances

Electronic Appliances

Wire and cable - Low smoke halogen-free cable

Electronics - Connectors

Small Appliances-Ceiling Appliance Shell

Charging pile - Charging pile plug

Laminate-PCB Copper Clad Laminate

Household Appliances-Line Skeleton

Household Appliances-Washing Machine Shell


Electronic appliances encompass many products such as electrical products, household appliances, wires and cables, solar panels, etc. Since there are many plastic parts, rubber parts, adhesives, etc. in electronic products, when an electrical fault occurs, it is easy to cause a fire, so after adding flame retardants to these parts, the risk of combustion is significantly diminished. At the same time, these flame retardants act as a preventive measure by impeding the spread of fire from external sources, effectively minimizing losses.

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